

Exploring the Metaverse Mania: A Glimpse into MWC 2023's Hottest Trend

What is the metaverse and why is it the subject of hype at the Mobile World Congress (MWC)?

The metaverse is a term used to describe a future virtual world that blends the physical and virtual world, although its definition is still vague and changing. It is the subject of hype at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) as companies in the industry seek to monetize the opportunity it presents. The telecommunications industry, in particular, is lobbying for EU lawmakers to subsidize their network upgrades so they can be the essential connective tissue for all the virtual world building and to charge tech giants for piping data to popular apps in addition to billing consumers for their Internet access. However, with no consensus on what the metaverse is or isn't, claims of a "tremendous opportunity" seem overhyped.


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