

Revolutionary Achievement: Programmer Develops an Impressive 3D Game with the Help of GPT-4

Image Credit: Search Engine Journal

With the recent launch of GPT-4, AI enthusiasts are pushing the limits of this advanced technology to see what it is truly capable of. One particular experiment that has caught the attention of many is the use of GPT-4 to develop video games.

Jani Lopez, an AI enthusiast, recently shared a Twitter thread where he demonstrated how GPT-4 can be leveraged to create a basic video game, similar to the popular game Doom. According to Jani, users can simply ask GPT-4 to create a game that resembles Doom and build upon that foundation to enhance the game's visual aesthetics and overall working.

The fact that GPT-4 can generate something as complex as a video game is a testament to its capabilities. While users can create some meaningful content with the technology, it is essential to keep expectations in check and view GPT-4 realistically.

This breakthrough highlights the potential of GPT-4 to produce even more astonishing creations in the near future. As we look forward to what the next year in the tech world will bring, we can be sure that GPT-4 will continue to push the boundaries of what we thought was possible with AI technology.


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