

IBM's Plan to Replace 7,800 Jobs with Artificial Intelligence Technology

Image Credit: TechRepublic

 BM (International Business Machines Corporation) CEO Arvind Krishna announced on Monday that the company will freeze hiring for certain positions, as they predict that over 7,800 jobs will be replaced by artificial intelligence (AI) in the near future. The areas of employment that will be most affected are back-office functions, which include human resources, accounting, and compliance management.

Krishna stated that the hiring for these functions will either be frozen or slowed down over this period. He also predicted that AI and automation could replace up to 30% of non-customer-facing positions in the next five years.

IBM's decision to freeze hiring and focus on AI comes after recent advancements in the technology, such as OpenAI's ChatGPT, which has exploded in popularity and received a deal with Microsoft. Krishna added that IBM will also slow down or suspend recruitments for vacancies left by departing employees.

This move by IBM may prompt other companies to take similar initiatives and slow down or even shut down their hiring processes for jobs that are replaceable by AI.

However, this raises concerns about the impact of AI on employment and whether it will cause a job crisis. While AI and automation may lead to job displacement, they can also create new job opportunities in areas such as AI research, development, and maintenance.

In conclusion, IBM's decision to freeze hiring for 7,800 jobs predicted to be replaced by AI highlights the growing impact of technology on the job market. While this may lead to job displacement, it can also create new job opportunities. As technology continues to evolve, it is important for companies to adapt and find new ways to create value and support their employees.

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